Sonntag, 11. August 2013

a sketch for an environment I am working on

undead knight concept

two cards I did for Dream Reactor

figures from imagination

anatomy studies

a few speedpaintings I did. Follow our speedpainting group on

and my first try at zBrush

Sonntag, 28. Juli 2013

studies and random stuff from the past two weeks. I did some client work too, can`t wait to show it as soon as it`s published :)

some faces from imagination afterwards

photo studyyy

stillifes - 1 hour each

I am taking part in a speedpainting group. We meet every day and give each other a topic to work on for 30 minutes. These are the first ones from the past weeks. 
Check out the other guys work over at

Dienstag, 16. Juli 2013

Hi everyone,

this is the first Trading Card called "Hands From Beyond" I did for Spellweaver, a TCG from Dream Reactor.

I hope you like it, thanks for watching!

Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2013

Hey there!
Here is a little update with environments and studys.

Donnerstag, 6. Juni 2013

Hey there! These are the studies I did over the past 2 1/2 months. A lot of pencils, went back to the fundamentals and I am still at it! Just wanted to let you guys know that I`ve been busy. Now I need to use this knowledge on my entertainment stuff :)

Thanks for watching!

Hey everyone!
A lot of cool stuff has happened to me in the last 2 or 3 months. I painted a lot of new environments, did tons of studies and learned a lot :)